Propagation is from seed, division and root cuttings
Acanthus balcanicus
* photo taken on June 30 2013 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
Acanthus hungaricus ( Hungarian Bears Breeches )
Native to the Balkans in Europe; forming a large specimen plant forming a clump up to 3.3 x 6 feet in size with deeply cut, thistle like, wavy edged foliage up to 3.3 feet x 8 inches in size. The reddish purple bracted flowers are either white or flushed pink and are borne in spikes and are held well above the foliage at up to 5 feet in height in summer.
Hardy north to zone 5 ( tolerating as low as -25 F with pine mulch ) and is also very heat tolerant. Can be invasive on some sites.
Acanthus mollis
Large, very glossy, deep green, deeply lobed leaves forming massive, vigorous foliage clumps up to 4 x 8 feet in size. The leaves can reach up to 36 x 18 inches in size.
Often evergreen in milder climates ( zone 8 and south )
Flowers are pink purple bracted and are white to mauve pink being borne in 36 inch purple stemmed inflorescences that reach up to 7 feet in height.
Hardy zones 6 to 10 ( should be mulched in winter in zone 6 ). Drought tolerant but prefers partial shade where summers are hot. Native to the Mediterranean region of Europe and does not really like hot humid summers.
* photos taken on July 17 2010 @ Morris Arboretum, Philly, PA
* photo taken on May 15 2011 in Washington, D.C.
* photo taken on July 31 2011 in Hyde Park, NY
* excellent video found on Youtube
* photo taken on June 30 2013 @ U.S. National Arboretum, DC
* photos taken on Aug 1 2013 @ Stratford, Ontario
* excellent photo link found on internet
An excellent focal plant forming a clump up to 8 feet across. The deeply lobed ( but less so than regular A. mollis ), glossy dark green, arching leaves are larger, up to 48 x 12 inches in size.
The pink summer flowers are borne in Digitalis like infolorescences up to 8 feet in height.
Hollards Lemon
Greenish yellow foliage.
Very dark, glossy green leaves up to 4 feet in length.
Glossy dark green foliage that is shaped like Quercus rubra - Red Oak.
Tasmanian Angel
Very large glossy dark green foliage with white mottling and margins.
The June through August flower spikes are up to 4 feet in height and are white and purple.
Prefers partial to full shade.
Acanthus spinosus ( Spiny Bears Breeches )
Forms a clump up to 3 x 5 feet, with leathery, rigid, deeply cut, spine tipped, shiny dark green leaves that can reach up to 36 x 12 inches in size
The purple bracted flowers are mauve-pink in color and are in inflorescences up to 5 ( records of 7.5 ) feet in height.
Hardy north to zone 5 and can spread invasively on some sites.
Prefers morning sun to partial shade where summers are hot.
* photos taken on May 16 2010 @ Cylburn Arboretum, Baltimore, MD
* photo taken on annual Horticultural Society of Maryland Garden Tour
* photo taken on July 17 2010 @ Morris Arboretum, Philly, PA
* photo taken on May 16 2011 in Washington, D.C.
Lady Moore
Foliage is creamy white greening up as spring progresses.
narrow foliage with deeply incised margins that is bristled heavily.
Summer Beauty
Spectacular and massive growing! Reaches up to 6 x 8 feet while blooming. The purple, spiny bracted flowers are white.
It thrives in the southeastern U.S., where Acanthus mollis would collapse in the summer heat.
Acanthus Whitewater
Similar to Acanthus mollis Tasmanian Angel but is much more vigorous, forming a foliage clump up to 3 x 6.5 feet.
The foliage is often all white upon emerging, soon turning to deep green and boldly bordered and splashed white. This can be a most stunning foliage focal plant.
The pale pink flowers are borne on tall stalks up to 6.5 feet in height.
Hardy zones 7 to 10 in partial shade. It is moderately heat tolerant due to having Acanthus spinosus Summer Beauty parentage.
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